Monday, January 4, 2010

Today's Pearl Of Wisdom:

"Draw conclusions, but use pencil."

A conclusion is a final determination based on gathered information; information obtained through the network of senses, sight, touch, smell, sound, taste, and that proverbial 6th sense, known as instinct. These are all meant to assist, but not assure. For example, have you ever tasted something you thought would be pleasant based on it's presentation but ended up hating it? Have you heard a bird sing and thought it was someone whistling? Ever had watermelon bubble gum? Talk about fooling your senses. And how about illusion? If you have ever been to a David Copperfield Magic Show, you will feel all logic challenged. Mind you, I have listed the exceptions to information gathering, but as long as they exist, your best effort at conclusion is an assumption at best, given the information your senses have gathered. So don't disallow other scenarios. Ink is permanent and you don't ever want to be in a position where you cannot rewrite an ending, or respond accordingly to life's surprises. And watch out for that 6th sense, instinct. What informs your instinct is experience. If your experience is skewed, so too will your conclusion be...and that is mine...yes, written in ink.

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