Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

I pondered the word "necessary" when I was thinking about this post. It is a word that I have always equated with "should". Since I fully embrace the concepts of subectivity and perspective, someone telling me what is "necessary" feels as though they are imposing their experience onto mine, rather than offering it as an option. I do believe I have found the exception for me however, and that is "kindness". It is the only real cure all, ya know? I mean think about it. It begins with helping you have better communication, hence, better relationships, happier work and family experiences, greater support and productivity, making life goals a bit easier to achieve, leading to self esteem and optimism, which have a direct connection to joy. With joy at the center of all we do, there is no struggle. Unfortunately, the world does not operate this way. Just watch the news any given morning, or watch how people behave on the road. We are all struggling with something. It manifests differently for everyone, however, but the guy's action of giving me the middle finger on the road comes from pain. I can't relate to the gesture, but I sure can relate to pain. That makes us equals. So I offer him kindness and fully believe he has stored that somewhere. So you'll forgive me if I break my own rule today and boldly tell you what is necessary....kindness. It is all of our ticket to a kind of freedom....of the body, mind and soul. I hope your day finds some.

1 comment:

  1. Kindness is very valuable and very rare because it is found in such small amounts today.
