Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today's Pearl Of Wisdom:

"Don't take an entire lifetime to appreciate just one day."

What have you spent today thinking about so far? Have you been somewhere stuck in a memory, a regret, a speculation of how the holidays could have been better? Have you been anticipating your commute this morning, your deadlines and checklists for the week or year? Maybe you try to utilize the good points you once read in a Readers Digest article about stopping to "smell the roses", or maybe you heard your friends talk about Yoga and this thing called "being in the moment", but none of it makes real sense to you, and so it feels unattainable. My dear friend, I will wager that most of us are caught in this vortex of speculation. It used to be a daily occurence for me to wake up "spinning" with events that were out of my control, but all about yesterday or tomorrow. I would end up devoting another day to the futility of that line of thinking. If you're spinning, you can't be still, and if you can't be still, you won't notice. Noticing is the soul's vaccine for stress. Besides, you can spend forever figuring things out and the universe will throw you a curve and change it all up anyway. Let go of your plan, the past, the future. None of it is tangible here, right now in this moment, What IS is the smile of the person you love as they stand in the kitchen making you breakfast, or the warm home you are able to be comfortable in, the things you loved and chose to decorate your life, the eyes that look back at you in the mirror of the loving, kind spirit you are. That is something wonderful to witness today. Don't miss it or you will have declined the "present" that is offered to you daily.

Thanks for reading,

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